Introducing Our Exclusive “Natural” Collection


Engage in a dialogue with nature and create something truly unique with our exclusive “Natural” collection.

Each product is a result of our collaboration with the environment, leaving a lasting imprint of nature on the bottle.


01.Kun 30ml on the Ice


The color white can be translated as “snow white,” “milky white,” or “ivory white,” evoking a sense of coldness associated with winter.

Inspired by this, we experimented with various white spray effects to capture the essence of snow.


From white to snowy landscapes, our exploration led us to snowy terrains where the texture of snow changed under the sunlight after a few days.














The natural beauty that emerged post-snowfall captivated us and translated into a unique bottle design that garnered interest from customers.


02 . 250g Mask Jar, Low-profile Cream


Apart from nature-inspired stories, we also draw inspiration from everyday experiences.


For instance, our “GS-46D” Pink Ice Cream series mask jar, obtained through travel and conversations with people to understand their product preferences, showcases a diverse range of stories in each product’s design, color, and craftsmanship.



15g, 30g, 50g, 100g Oval Cream Jar

Designer Wheat: “When traveling, I always carry a bunch of things, be it makeup for outings or skincare for hotel stays. With the idea of staying beautiful even while traveling, I chose the low-profile cream jar.” Available in four capacities, the low-profile cream jar series offers versatility and style.



04. Natural Wood and Pomegranate Red




Craftsmen bring polished wood to life on the bottle, exploring the possibilities of color and design inspired by nature. The Pomegranate Red series features vibrant red hues transitioning to translucent pink, culminating in a wooden cream jar lid.


As society increasingly values skincare with no chemical additives, our venture into natural wood and pomegranate red embodies sustainability and the allure of natural elements. Let the essence of nature guide your skincare routine with our eco-friendly packaging options that resonate with the ethos of healthy, chemical-free skincare.


Explore our exclusive “Natural” collection and embrace the beauty of nature in every bottle.

Post time: Feb-19-2024